The Benefit of a New Jersey Licensed Boiler Operator
The Benefit of a New Jersey Licensed Boiler Operator
A properly trained New Jersey state licensed boiler operator is the best instrument when it comes to ensuring a safe, reliable, and efficient operation. Not all states or jurisdictions have boiler operator license requirements. In some cases, states have no requirements but a city within that state requires a demonstration of competency or specific license to be obtained. In the state of New Jersey, the rules and regulations set a very specific standard of operation and licensing to ensure safe boiler performance and set forth by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development and ASME. Particular attention is given to locations with high levels of occupancy and it only requires an understanding of some historic steam boiler failures to understand why it’s a necessity. New Jersey alone has different licensing and testing requirements for low pressure boiler - white seal - and high pressure boiler systems - black seal, blue seal, red seal, and gold seal.
A licensed operator becomes much more valuable than just checking the box for state compliance and limiting risk for regulatory penalties - which can range from $500 daily to $5,000 daily for each incident in the state of New Jersey. No facility manager wants to explain compliance failure or a lack of occupational safety. The other benefit in a licensed operator is knowing they demonstrated a minimum level of competency relative to industry as a whole which is required to be qualified to safely operate and maintain steam and hot water boiler equipment. In short, the operator does more than just solve compliance; they ensure abnormal operating conditions are identified prior to a life-threatening disaster situation. An operator's evaluation of plant operation is critical regardless of the world of modern safety controls. Today's Boiler failures are attributed largely to a lack of attention to the basic responsibilities that a licensed operator is required to carry out in their daily routine.
Here are the critical failures that can be avoided with the right operator:
Improper Water Treatment
Low Water Cutoff Failures
Corrosion and Wear
Poor Maintenance
Thermal Shock
Efficiency Issues
Extended Downtime
Costly Corrective Maintenance
The benefit of an operator holding a boiler operator license is completing duties and responsibilities that ensure failures will not occur, the include the following:
Completion of Recommended Monitoring of Boiler Equipment
Testing Boiler Water Quality Including Make-Up Water and Condensate
Testing System Interlocks and Safety Devices
Adjusting System Operations and Chemistry
Routine inspections
Monitoring Efficiency
Communication and Documentation of Facility Activity
Tracking and Controlling Repairs and Alterations
Facility Start-Up and Shutdowns While Controlling Safety Processes for Work Control
The difference between long term performance and reliability of your boiler equipment can start and stop with a boiler operator license holder. In addition to supporting the critical duties of the boiler room, the boiler operator can support other plant activity within the scope of regulatory limitations. This can further expand the scope of duties to the management of facility equipment at a specific plant. As an operator - or stationary engineer - develops in their role, achieving and retaining licenses above a black seal license - such as blue seal - will also expand the available roles and duties of this member of the operations management team. Refrigeration and other various available licenses turn a boiler plant operator into a full time industry expert capable of managing all sorts of refrigeration and boiler systems at various different tonnages and horsepower.
Low Pressure Boiler Operator, High Pressure Boiler Operation, Stationary Engineer, Operating Engineer, White Seal, Black Seal, Blue Seal, Red Seal, Gold Seal, high pressure license, seal boiler operator, etc. These are all names for the same types of individuals - those trained to maintain and prevent catastrophic failures of boiler systems and ancillary equipment and an essential part to a properly functioning steam or power plant.
Do you need help meeting the state requirements? We have services that can assist you!
Learn more about what you can do to meet state and insurance requirements.
Find out how to fast-track your personnel to getting the proper license.
Do you need professional log books that meet the State of NJ standards?